' New formats for the MTTLR Blog | MTLR

New formats for the MTTLR Blog

To all our loyal readers:

As you may have realized, this blog is run by students from the University of Michigan Law School, specifically, the staff of the Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review. We have been focusing our attention on lengthy posts with detailed substantive analysis, and are proud of the content and quality we have produced.

However, maintaining regular in-depth posting throughout the calendar year while still accommodating our members’ demanding school schedules has proven a bit challenging. Over this summer, we will be experimenting with some different post formats: short analyses of emerging technologies, link roundups on technology law topics, and a number of other styles. We will also continue with the longer, in-depth posts we have produced in the past. It is our hope that by mixing formats, we will be able to produce more content on a more regular schedule.

Please feel free to comment on this or other posts, as we experiment over the next few months!

-Nancy Sims-
MTTLR Blog Editor


  1. Hey all,

    I’ve been impressed with the quality of your posts, but always struck by the way that they seem uncomfortable in blog format – the footnotes and length are not very ‘bloggy’ and make it weird to read in such a format.

    You obviously have great things to say and are valuable to the conversation, but I’d love to see it structured in a more fitting way for the medium.

  2. Sounds like a good plan! I’m looking forward to seeing some of the new-format content.

    Also, I’ve been meaning to say that I was really impressed with the quality of posts over the last semester. Lots of interesting things done well.


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