' UPDATE: MarriageTrial.com Creates YouTube Re-enactment of Proposition 8 Trial | MTLR

UPDATE: MarriageTrial.com Creates YouTube Re-enactment of Proposition 8 Trial

I posted a few weeks ago about the Supreme Court’s decision to temporarily stay YouTube streaming in the Proposition 8 trial.  As expected, the Supreme Court later extended its temporary stay into a permanent block of the proposed stream.  The Northern District of California had to change its rules to allow for the streamed video, and the Supreme Court held that it did not properly followed the guidelines for changing its rules.

Instead of taking the ruling lying down, filmmaker and journalist John Ireland decided to take the law into his own hands by creating a re-enactment of the trial.  Ireland is filming the project with professional actors who are volunteering their time.  The episodes can be found at MarriageTrial.com or YouTubeMarriageTrial.com also contains a wealth of other information related to the case, such as a link to the day-by-day trial transcripts.  Currently, the first episode is complete and ready for viewing.

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