' A Call to Sunny Arms | MTLR

A Call to Sunny Arms

Solar panels use sunlight to provide clean, renewable power. And in contrast to the days when solar energy was only feasible for use in small electronics like calculators, today the technology has advanced to the point where it has far greater potential.  The White House will be installing solar panels later this year in hopes that it will encourage American homeowners to do the same. Though the move could be characterized as a political response to environmentalist pressure, it is beyond dispute that the technology is finally viable for wide use. In fact, new panels are so effective that the Department of Transportation has awarded grant money to fund construction of experimental roadways made from solar panels.  So how soon will America be solar powered?

Despite this rosy picture, the New York Times reports that the U.S. currently accounts for just $1.6 billion of the world’s $29 billion market for solar panels. Part of the lag might be attributed to permitting requirements that obstruct business. The Times recently reported that the domestic solar industry is being hindered by voluminous and inconsistent permitting requirements that slow the growth and raise the costs of home solar instillation. While the article focuses primarily on sunny Southern California, the effect is likely to be national. If the government is serious about a sunny energy future, permit inconsistencies would be a good place to start.

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