' Android v. Apple: The Latest Round of Legal Disputes in a Long Fight | MTLR

Android v. Apple: The Latest Round of Legal Disputes in a Long Fight

On April 24, Administrative Law Judge Thomas Pender of the U.S. International Trade Commission ruled that Apple was in violation of infringement of a Motorola patent  on 3G wireless technology. The violation is in regards to the use of the 3G wireless technology in Apple’s iPhone and iPad devices. Judge Pender’s initial ruling (available here) is still subject to review and approval by the ITC’s panel of six Commissioners. Apple has already appealed and has sued Samsung (the owner of the Motorola patent) for its own alleged patent infringements.

This latest loss for Apple is certainly significant, but is just one piece in the ever growing patent disputes among smartphone makers. With the technology trend from 3G wireless technology to faster 4G wireless technology, the amount of patents—and subsequent litigation—is only likely to increase. Samsung, Apple’s opponent before the ITC, also happens to be among the industry leaders in regards to 4G technology and its patents. This would seemingly advantage Samsung in upcoming settlements with Apple. However, Apple is one of the industry leaders in user interface technology and has filed suit against Samsung for Samsung mobile products that run the Android operating system, which allegedly infringes on Apple patents. The only thing for certain is that the ITC ruling will not be the last in a continued legal battle between these two technology giants.

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