' Failing to Twitter: Assault and Criminal Nuisance? | MTLR

Failing to Twitter: Assault and Criminal Nuisance?

When teen pop star Justin Bieber‘s signing became a riot of teens on Friday around 2:30pm, police were called in to control the crowd. Unable to quickly contain the situation, they asked his label‘s VP, James A. Roppo, to send out a tweet to cancel the event and disperse the crowd.  When Mr. Roppo failed to do so, they took him into custody, reasoning that “he put lives in danger and the public at risk.”  At his arraignment on Saturday, Mr. Roppo pled not guilty to the charges of felony assault, endangering the welfare of a child, obstruction of governmental administration, reckless endangerment and criminal nuisance.

(Curiously enough, Justin’s Twitter page has a tweet at 4:30pm finally asking his fans to leave the event.)

[Via Gizmodo]

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