' Volume 15 | MTLR

Volume 15

Issue 1, Fall 2008


Hiding Behind Nationality: The Temporary Presence Exception and Patent Infringement Avoidance J. Jonas Anderson
Making Much Ado About Theory: The Chinese Trademark Law Leah Chan Grinvald
When Mobile Phones Are RFID-Equipped—Finding E.U.-U.S. Solutions to Protect Consumer Privacy and Facilitate Mobile Commerce Nancy J. King
The Claim Construction Effect Lee Petherbridge
Royalty Rate-Setting for Webcasters: A Royal(ty) Mess Amy Duvall
Improving Post-Approval Risk Surveillance for Drugs: Active Post-Market Risk Identification Matthew Gordon
Can We Dicker Online or Is Traditional Contract Formation Really Dying? Rethinking Traditional Contract Formation for the World Wide Web Tatiana Melnik

Issue 2, Spring 2009


Symposium: The Law & Economics of Drug Development
Does Misery Love Company? Evidence from Pharmaceutical Markets Before and After the Orphan Drug Act Frank R. Lichtenberg & Joel Waldfogel
Platitudes About “Product Stewardship” in Torts: Continuing Drug Research and Education Lars Noah
PDUFA and Initial U.S. Drug Launches Mary K. Olson
The Chinese Regulatory Licensing Regime for Pharmaceutical Products: A Law and Economics Analysis Qing Zhang
Why FDCA Section 505(u) Should Not Concern Us Greatly Kyle Faget
Appellate Review of Patent Claim Construction: Should the Federal Circuit Be Its Own Lexicographer in Matters Related to the Seventh Amendment? Eileen M. Herlihy
FCC Jurisdiction over ISPs in Protocol-Specific Bandwidth Throttling Andrew Gioia
Legislation for Effective Self-Regulation: A New Approach to Protecting Personal Privacy on the Internet Richard M. Marsh, Jr.
When and How to Defer to the FDA: Learning from Michigan’s Regulatory Compliance Defense Jason C. Miller