' Submissions | MTLR


For Authors

MTLR is currently running a notes competition for current law students and recent law graduates! All submitted notes that comply with the rules below will be eligible, where the two best notes will receive $1500 each. Notes should be between 15-50 (preferably 25-40) pages in length and in 12-point Times New Roman font with one (1) inch margins. Notes should use footnotes with citations in accordance with The Bluebook. Each applicant should send a PDF and Word document of their submission. Each submission should include a cover sheet that contains your name, institution, year of graduation, and an abstract and keywords for your note. Please submit your draft to keohara@umich.edu by June 28, 2024. Feel free to reach out with any questions about the note review or publication process.


The Michigan Technology Law Review (MTLR) invites all professors, attorneys, government officials, industry participants, and other individuals active in the field of technology law and policy to submit scholarly articles and essays for publication. MTLR is a light-edit law review and prefers submissions between 15,000 and 30,000 words in length, including footnotes. Current and recent Michigan Law students are also invited to submit student notes for publication.


MTLR accepts submissions on a rolling basis and publishes semi-annually. Submissions are currently open for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025.


MTLR strongly prefers to receive submissions of articles and essays through Scholastica. Alternatively, persons interested in submitting a piece for publication should send a copy of the manuscript and a resume or letter of introduction electronically (preferably in Microsoft Word format with a .doc extension) to mich.tech.law.rev@umich.edu. 


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