' ghans | MTLR

Louie and the Intermediaries

Louie C.K., the renowned comedian, released his latest comedy special in a most unorthodox way: charging $5 for an immediate, DRM-free download from his website. Instead of going with Comedy Central (which released his last special), HBO, or any other network, he...

A Closed Book

The Google Books Project has hit another snag – the amended settlement agreement between the Authors Guild and Google has not been approved by the United States District Court of the Southern District of New York. While not an unexpected result, it does put the...

Parsing the Pause that Refreshes

This American Life, the popular public radio show hosted by Ira Glass, devoted its entire hour this past weekend to the cracking the Coca-Cola formula, perhaps the most famous trade secret in the world. Long rumored to contain cocaine, Ira Glass and company have...


The New York Times has an article on Vint Cerf, who played a major role in the beginnings of what we now know as the Internet and currently serves as Google’s Chief Internet Evangelist, and IPv6. For those who don’t know, all web URLs...

The Closing of Open Mic Night

The Washtenaw Voice reports that a popular weekly music event at the Jolly Pumpkin, the popular Ann Arbor restaurant, has been shut down to copyright issues. Performers were informed by Jolly Pumpkin management that the event violated rights held by ASCAP, the...