' MTLR | Michigan Technology Law Review

Recent Articles

The 'License as Tax' Fallacy

By  Jonathan M. Barnett
Article, Spring 2022

Unreasonable: A Strict Liability Solution to the FTC's Data Security Problem

By  James C. Cooper & Bruce H. Kobayashi
Article, Spring 2022

The Ping-Pong Olympics of Antisuit Injunction in FRAND Litigation

By King Fung Tsang & Jyh-An Lee
Article, Spring 2022

Content Moderation Remedies

By  Eric Goldman
Article, Fall 2021

An Empirical Study: Willful Infringement & Enhanced Damages in Patent Law After Halo

By  Karen E. Sandrik
Article, Fall 2021

Recent Notes

The Best Data Plan Is to Have a Game Plan: Obstacles and Solutions to Reaching International Data Privacy Agreements

By  James Wang
Note, Spring 2022

Mental Health Mobile Apps and the Need to Update Federal Regulations to Protect Users

By  Kewa Jiang
Note, Spring 2022

Blog Posts

Shedding Light on the Data Ecosystem

Introduction The worldwide market for personal data is large and growing, but not widely understood by the average consumer. Consumers are generally unaware of how valuable their data is and there is no comprehensive set of tools to give people an idea of how much of...

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Artificial Intelligence in Health Law

Introduction   Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used in many different ways to improve the U.S. healthcare system. Many providers have already started implementing such technology into modern medical practice, and many more are expected to follow suit, as AI in...

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Public Private Partnerships in National Cybersecurity

Introduction Our national infrastructure is undergoing a major digital migration. Physical infrastructure assets are merging with the digital world via the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies. 4IR technologies have the potential to make our infrastructure...

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