' MTLR | Michigan Technology Law Review

Recent Articles

The 'License as Tax' Fallacy

By  Jonathan M. Barnett
Article, Spring 2022

Unreasonable: A Strict Liability Solution to the FTC's Data Security Problem

By  James C. Cooper & Bruce H. Kobayashi
Article, Spring 2022

The Ping-Pong Olympics of Antisuit Injunction in FRAND Litigation

By King Fung Tsang & Jyh-An Lee
Article, Spring 2022

Content Moderation Remedies

By  Eric Goldman
Article, Fall 2021

An Empirical Study: Willful Infringement & Enhanced Damages in Patent Law After Halo

By  Karen E. Sandrik
Article, Fall 2021

Recent Notes

The Best Data Plan Is to Have a Game Plan: Obstacles and Solutions to Reaching International Data Privacy Agreements

By  James Wang
Note, Spring 2022

Mental Health Mobile Apps and the Need to Update Federal Regulations to Protect Users

By  Kewa Jiang
Note, Spring 2022

Blog Posts

A Gaping Tax Loophole: Crypto Wash Sales

A gaping hole in the tax code currently allows for a major tax-loss harvesting opportunity for cryptocurrency investors who are holding onto their crypto positions at a loss by allowing for wash sales (for now).  But what does this all mean? What is tax loss...

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Defending Genomes

The Genome Defense by Jorge Contreras provides a road map for how to leverage creativity, ingenuity and hard work to advance civil rights. This nonfiction story covers the origins of the American Civil Liberties Union’s (ACLU) unprecedented patent law case....

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